Αναμενόμενες εκροές της πράξης (απτά και ορατά αποτελέσματα που σχετίζονται με δραστηριότητες του έργου)


BIO2CARE applies an integrated approach responding to PAs entire environmental systems. It will deliver a wide range of differentiated outputs. Its main deliverables are: 

  1. A set of studies, including a methodology, current situation analysis and SWOT analysis studies
  2. A set of monitoring equipment fully operational per country (e.g. piezoelectric and sound sensors, surveillance drones, sound-sensitive lights etc.), which operates in two different levels: high-tech monitoring of fauna and flora and high-tech monitoring of illegal activities
  3. Two sets of ICT applications and e-tools for valorising studies and data produced from monitoring systems per country; BIO2CARE Calc for estimating the carrying capacity in the areas of interest and BIO2CARE Symbiosis for examining, assessing and proposing potential symbiotic activities, as well as two (2) smart applications (OSX/Android) for facilitating and promoting green tourism (BIO4TOURISM)
  4. Two small infrastructures certified for disabled people use, i.e., pathways for recreational purposes and birdwatching for handicapped and disabled
  5. One common eco-labelling scheme, including varying certification levels
  6. Training sessions: two training sessions regarding the use of BIO2CARE Software and two targeted workshops regarding BIO2CARE labelling scheme 
  7. One Policy Recommendations Report, based on lessons-learned during BIO2CARE implementation and scientific results from studies, which will be discussed during last quarter of project with local, regional and national authorities

(1), (2) and (3) will form the essential components of one integrate Decision Support System (DSS) per country, that could operate separately or jointly on CB area. Those three elements will eternally feedback each other. (4), (5) and (6) will feedback the DSS. 

List of Deliverables (per Project Workpackage)

Workpackage 1: Project Management & Coordination

Deliverable 1.2: Preparation of 4 Project Sterring Committee Meetings

Workpackage 2: Communication & Dissemination

Deliverable 2.1: Preparation of One (1) communication plan

Deliverable 2.2: Preparation of four (4) newsletters in three languages

Deliverable 2.3: Promo material in three languages

Deliverable 2.4: One (1) project website and one (1) social media campaign

Deliverable 2.5: Three (3) presentations/contributions to external events

Workpackage 3: Integrated Management-Decision Support System

Deliverable 3.1: One (1) study collecting information and producing knowledge regarding anthropogenic activities and status of nature (incl.SWOT analysis) of the areas

Deliverable 3.2: One (1) methodological framework for assessing the environmental status of the examined area through the estimation of holistic environmental sustainability indicators (carrying capacity, ecological footprint, carbon footprint, water footprint)

Deliverable 3.3: One (1) report including results from the implementation of the methodological framework in two intervention areas

Deliverable 3.4: One (1) case study/model assessing the symbiotic potential of the existing and future activities within the examined areas & One (1) comparative study based on the Life Cycle Apporach, presenting the benefits of circular economy for the environment (existing situation vs symbiotic situation)

Workpackage 4: Mitigating illegal activities and promoting protected areas Sustainable Development: Circular economy and Green

Deliverable 4.1: High-tech monitoring system in the areas of interest (fauna/flora & illegal activities)

Deliverable 4.2: Pathways for recreational purposes and birdwatching for handicapped and disabled

Deliverable 4.3: Two (2) e-tools/softwares for estimating the carrying capacity in the areas of interest (BIO2CARE Calc) and for examining, assessing and proposing potential symbiotic activities in the areas of interest (BIO2CARE Symbiosis)

Deliverable 4.4: Two (2) smart applications (OSX/Android) for facilitating and promoting green tourism in the areas of interest (BIO4TOURISM)

Deliverable 4.5: Development and implementation of a sustainability labelling scheme including varying certification levels

Workpackage 5: Integrated Approach-Policy Reccomendation

Deliverable 5.1: Two (2) training sessions regarding the use of BIO2CARE Software

Deliverable 5.2: Two (2) targetted workshops regarding biodiversity preservation, circular economy and symbiotic activities

Deliverable 5.3: Two (2) targetted workshops regarding BIO2CARE labelling scheme

Deliverable 5.4: ESAmeA visiting and promoting the new pathways

Deliverable 5.5: One (1) report with Results and Policy recommendations (pending)