Αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα (άμεσες και έμμεσες επιπτώσεις που απορρέουν από το έργο)

BIO2CARE project intervention logic was developed based on the theory of change, taking into account the attempted changes as the basis for a result orientated project. 

It will succeed so by:

  1. by producing new knowledge (WP3),
  2. by applying to PA MBs new procedures and tools (WP3&4),
  3. by setting the first solid foundations for one common or two commonly operating cross-border Decision Support system (-s) (WP4),
  4. by setting in operation two jointly designed sets of monitoring equipment and exchanging information produced by them (WP4),
  5. by setting in force an eco-labelling award scheme to help local businesses to overcome possible disadvantages emerging from protection status that apply (WP4),
  6. by making PAs accessible to disabled and elderly persons (WP4&5),
  7. by training specific target groups with training sessions and workshops (WP5),
  8. by raising awareness of target groups and wide audience (WP2),
  9. by contributing to a better policy making through Policy Recommendations Report (WP5).

As BIO2CARE project is devoted to change, at the end of its implementation major positive impacts will be identified on PA MBs capacities and on local business communities. 

The development of the two e-tools will increase the managerial capacity of the PA MBs in order to improve the management of the PAs as systems, define and prioritize the necessary improvements. The combination with high-tech monitoring systems (both for fauna/flora and for illegal activities) will furthermore contribute to the improvement of PAs environmental status. Small technical works (pathways), will provide a steady groundwork for the promotion of green tourism without discrimination, for every disabled and/or aged person to enjoy the natural beauty of the PAs. This social approach of green tourism that is coupled with the promotion of the silver economy approach is expected to be a starting point for the establishment of similar activities in both countries.