- News

4th Project Meeting, in Xanthi

The 4th Project Steering Committee Meeting of the Project “BIO2CARE” took place in the Elisso Xenia Hotel, Xanthi, Greece, on 14-15 of October 2019. 

In total, 16 participants representing 7 out of 8 Project Beneficiaries (PBs) participated in the meeting. Furthermore, Ms. Doncheva participated in the 1st day of the meeting representing the Joint Secreteriat.

Based on the discussions during the meeting the Project Steering Committee decided that: 

  • The next Project Steering Committee meeting will be held in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, between 13/07/20 – 17/07/20.
  • The deadline for the final amendment of the Justification of Budget is Wednesday 23 October 2019. 
  • All the necessary actions for the successful submission of the 5th progress report, will be completed until the 6th of January 2020. 
  • Until the 30th of October 2019, Mr. Manos (PB3) will provide the Table of Contents for Deliverable 1.5 (Evaluation Report). 
  • The 3rd project newsletter will be completed until the end of November 2019. All partners must provide to Mr. Mourouzis and Mrs. Markovska all the relevant material until the 15th of November. The 3rd newsletter must be maximum 4-5 pages. 
  • The final external event should take place on Greece, within the eligible area. 
  • On the project website, the term “Partners” should change to “Beneficiaries”. 
  • All partners must provide material for the Social Media Campaign.
  •  Deliverable 4.5 should be finalized until the end of November 2020. 
  • LB will develop and mail to all partners the Table of Contents for Deliverable 5.5 until the end of November 2019.

For more details, please refer to the attached Minutes of the 4th Project Meeting.
