INVITATION to e-Event with subject:   "Nature & Accessiblity: New approaches, techniques and good practices by the BIO2CARE project"    The event will take place on Moday 14th of December, between 10:00 am και 12:30 pm through Microsoft Teams. Click...

Presentation of the new ecopath in Keramoti, Nestos, at the TV programme "Κάθε μέρα Ελλάδα" (Every day Greece) of the ET3 channel.  

Nature landscapes from EKBY

On Thursday, July 9, 2020, the Laboratory of Environmental Management and Industrial Ecology - LEMIE of DUTH, as the Lead Beneficiary of the project "Reinforcing Protected Areas Capacity through an Innovative Methodology for Sustainability" (BIO2CARE), funded by the INTERREG COOPERATION...

Title of the paper: Examining the potential carbon footprint reduction by implementing circular economy practices in a protected area with anthropogenic activities Authors: George Gaidajis, Ilias Kakanis (Laboratory of Environmental Management and Industrial Ecology, Department of Production Engineering and Management,...

Training workshops will deal with issues like protecting biodiversity, application of the principles of the circular economy, the development of symbiotic actions and the implementation of ecological signage in protected areas.  Given the current conditions, the training workshops will be...

On Thursday May 21st, the Steering Committee Meeting of the Project “BIO2CARE” held a teleconference meeting, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, discussing the remaining works and obligations.  Based on the discussion during the meeting the Project Steering Committee decided that: ...

On February 12-14, 2020, the Balkan Road Project funded by the Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 organized an international conference in Thessaloniki dedicated to climate change adaptation and mitigation.  Representative of PB9, the Pirin Tourism Forum, attended the conference and...

The NPEMT celebrated the day with the participation of 120 students who were informed about migratory birds, played environmental games and had birdwatching activities in the wetland

The National Park of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (NPEMT), in collaboration with the Hellenic Ornithological Society, held events for yet another year as part of the celebration of the "European Bird Feast".  The European Bird Festival is an annual event...

The 4th Project Steering Committee Meeting of the Project “BIO2CARE” took place in the Elisso Xenia Hotel, Xanthi, Greece, on 14-15 of October 2019.  In total, 16 participants representing 7 out of 8 Project Beneficiaries (PBs) participated in the meeting....