The Project BIO2CARE aims at reinforcing the administrative capacities and effectiveness of Protected Areas Management Bodies, in benefit of biodiversity and local communities, through the implementation of an innovative and integrated approach.

INVITATION to e-Event with subject: "Nature & Accessiblity: New approaches, techniques and good practices by the BIO2CARE project" The event will take place on Moday 14th of December, between 10:00 am και 12:30 pm through Microsoft Teams. Click...

Introduction The Municipality of Nestos, in the context of the BIO2CARE Project, created a new eco trail, the KOTZA-ORMAN FOREST ECO TRAIL, which was designed in order to accomodate also the needs of visitors with disabilities. This new trail attracts...

Selection of monitoring equipment for the needs of the Rila National Park Directorate: Laser rangefinder / altimeter - 1 pc. 2. Scales with an accuracy of 0.01 g - 1 pc. 3. Measuring device - Ph meter - 1 pc....

This deliverable constitutes the final report of the knowledge accumulated from the conduct of accessibility inspections on new eco-trails designed and delivered in the context of the BIO2CARE project. It summarizes: (a) the conclusions of the inspections / autopsies on...

In this third issue of the newsletter of the BIO2CARE Project, a project that cares for the environment, a quick introduction to the project, the expected results of the project and the BIO2CARE partnership. Then, in this issue, an overview...
Disclaimer: This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of the Engineering School of Democritus University of Thrace and in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.

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The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020" Cooperation Programme.