This deliverable constitutes the final report of the knowledge accumulated from the conduct of accessibility inspections on new eco-trails designed and delivered in the context of the BIO2CARE project. It summarizes: (a) the conclusions of the inspections / autopsies on...

This outcome is about two independent internal reports addressed to the Municipality of Nestos and the Directorate of the Rila National Park, separately, which present the findings of the autopsies (accessibility field inspections) carried out on the new accessible paths...

The Guidebook for Accessible Nature Trails – Design Guidelines and Evaluation System (the “Guidebook”) was mainly developed to support the implementation of certain innovative interventions of the BIO2CARE Project for improving and promoting selected recreational and bird-watching ecotrails in the...

In order to optimize the impact of the project’s planned communication actions, and as a means to ensure their conformance with the Programme’s Information and Publicity Rules, the first version of the Project Communication Plan was jointly drafted by the...