BIO2CARE Monitoring/Decision Making software

The BIO2CARE Monitoring/Decision Making software is an online cartographic application that integrates all available data for the area of interest.  Based on the level of authorization, the user has the possibility to select and view data from trail cameras and...

The training took place during pandemic restrictions through the Zoom platform. Contents of the training session: Theoretical background of BIO2CARE software/tools BIO2CARE Decision Making Software BIO2CARE Calc Tool BIO2CARE Symbiosis Tool  Benefits from BIO2CARE implementation

Cover page of the Report

CASE STUDY 1: Wetland of Vravrona, Attica CASE STUDY 2: National Park of Cairngorms, Scotland  CASE STUDY 3: National Park Hoge Kempen, Belgium

Cover page of the report

One (1) case study/model assessing the symbiotic potential of the existing and future activities within the examined areas, and One (1) comparative study based on the Life Cycle Approach, presenting the benefits of circular economy for the environment (existing situation...

Cover page of the Deliverable D3.3

The methodological framework that was developed in Del 3.2 of WP3 of the Project BIO2CARE, includes all necessary steps-actions and guidance to estimate and assess the Carrying Capacity and other holistic environmental indicators-footprints in protected areas. During this process already...

Extract from the Cover Page of the Report

The goal of this Study was to collect information and produce knowledge regarding the anthropogenic activities and status of nature of the protected areas: National Park of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace in Greece (NP-EMATH) (Study Area 1), and Rila National...

Extract from the Cover page of the Report

Sustainability expresses the ability of a system to remain productive indefinitely. It is often confused with the concept of sustainable development which focuses on how our current needs can be satisfied while ensuring the quality of life and needs of...

Cover page of the Guidebook

The Guidebook for Accessible Nature Trails – Design Guidelines and Evaluation System (the “Guidebook”) was mainly developed to support the implementation of certain innovative interventions of the BIO2CARE Project for improving and promoting selected recreational and bird-watching ecotrails in the...

Extract from the Cover Page of the Communication Plan

In order to optimize the impact of the project’s planned communication actions, and as a means to ensure their conformance with the Programme’s Information and Publicity Rules, the first version of the Project Communication Plan was jointly drafted by the...